Diversified Technology – Public Sector & Government Software Solutions

Timely, accurate billing, cycle after cycle

Diversified Technology’s managed utility billing services group has been providing utility billing solutions to public and private utilities and authorities for more than 20 years. You can count on our staff of billing professionals to be sure every billing is out the door on time and absolutely accurate. Last year we served 40 clients across the country and generated more than 800,000 bills.

Full Service

The managed utility billing services group can provide the full spectrum of services that would be expected of an in-house billing operation. These include:

  • Importing meter readings
  • Generating preliminary billing
  • Running a variety of exception reports to identify read or other errors
  • Issuing work orders for any necessary re-reads
  • Updating meter readings
  • Getting client approval before running final billing
  • Upon approval, emailing or printing and mailing bills based on customer preference
  • Generating journal entries for our clients’ accounting system
  • Accepting and processing payments received through a dedicated lockbox
  • Accepting and processing payments received through our online customer portal
  • Issuing late payment notices per your policy
  • Issuing second and/or shut-off notices per your policy
  • Processing new service requests
  • Processing final bills
  • Accepting and responding to customer inquiries and service requests on a dedicated toll-free phone number

or Choose a Hybrid Arrangement

This group can also work in a hybrid arrangement with your in-house billing staff. For some customers, we provide only print and mail services. For other customers, we provide only lock box and payment processing services. We will work on whatever portion or portions of your billing process that makes sense to you.

Utility Billing Services Should Save You Money, Not Cost You Money

Utility billing is a cyclical process. There are busy times and slack times. This up and down cycle allows Diversified Technology to maximize use of its staff by moving them from one client’s peak work load to another client’s peak work load without the need to continue to incur staffing expense during non-peak times. This economy of scale also allows better utilization of printing equipment, mail handling equipment and bill processing equipment.

The result is a cost structure that no single utility can match. When compared to the cost of operating an in-house billing department, Diversified Technology’s utility billing service can offer significant savings.

Ready to Learn What it Takes to Implement Diversified Managed Billing Services?

Learn exactly what will be required to switch from an in-house billing operation to a managed services operation and how Diversified Technology can help.