Government Accounting Software for Any Size Community
Both CenterPoint Fund Accounting and AccountMate are true fund account systems that work exceptionally well in municipal environments. CenterPoint is generally more appropriate for smaller to mid-sized municipalities while AccountMate better serves the needs of mid-sized to larger communities.
Both systems are available with a perpetual license and can be hosted on a client’s local area network. Both systems are also available with a software-as-a-service (SaaS) license and vendor-hosted in the cloud.
Both CenterPoint and AccountMate systems are highly modularized, allowing users to configure a system the exactly meets their needs.
Center Point Fund Accounting
CenterPoint Fund Accounting offers a robust software core that allows the creation and management of an unlimited number of funds. Easy budget-to-actual reporting is included in the core software. All reporting follows Government Accounting Standards Board recommended formats. CenterPoint also offers these modules:
- Depreciation
- Payroll
- Purchase order
Account Mate
AccountMate is based around a System Manager. Available modules include:
- Accounts Payable
- Accounts Receivable
- Bank Reconciliation
- Consolidated Ledger
- Contact Manager
- General Ledger
- Inventory Control
- Payroll
- Purchase Order