Diversified Technology – Public Sector & Government Software Solutions

Software Services

Diversified Technology developers can customize your Citizen Action Center, utility billing, digital work orders or other software to your exact specification. They can also take responsibility for migrating critical configurations and customer data from your old software.

Custom Programming

One of the most difficult aspects of upgrading your software is adapting your procedures and expectations to the limitations of the new software.

With Diversified Technology’s software, that is simply not an issue. Our software was designed to be customized to fit your exact requirements. We can customize our LAN software as well as our software that you access in the Cloud.

One of the challenges of software customization (and the main reason most software companies avoid it) is managing periodic updates to assure that customization are not overwritten. But our support group was designed to handle that! When an update is released, we schedule time to work with you to apply the upgrade without impacting your unique customization.

Data Migration

You have invested years in building and maintaining the data in your current systems. When you upgrade software, you run the risk of incorrectly importing your data, or worse yet, losing data.

That is where Diversified developers come in. They are experts in safely exporting the data from your old software and importing it into your new software. So you will retain all of your organization’s accumulated knowledge and be able to use it with Diversified software.

Diversified’s Support group will also play an important role, working with you to map your existing data into the field in your new software where it will be most useful.