A Utility Billing Solution ... And So Much More
The Diversified Utility Billing system is complete, comprehensive and easy-to-use.
- Available in the cloud or for your LAN
- Customer portal accepts payments, provides payment and consumption histories
- Integrates with any meter or accounting system
- Automated assists for customer communication and for every process
- All customer data on a single screen.
But that’s not all! The Diversified Billing System can be used to send any other type of bill at no additional charge! Send tax bills. No additional charge. Send specials assessments. No additional charge. Any bill, you name it. No additional charge.
That’s because Diversified Billing is licensed by the number of customers you bill. So use it across your municipality for maximum value!
Try an Interactive Demo
We have created brief tours of each of the key aspects of the Diversified Billing System. We have tried to arrange them in a logical order, but you can watch then in whatever order makes sense for you. Spend as much time as you wish with each tour. Pause it. Go back. Study the screen. Move on when you are ready.

DBS Home Screen
The home screen is your starting point for any task in Diversified Billing. You can see all completed, in process, overdue and upcoming tasks in the current billing cycle. You can search for a customer using virtually any scrap of information. A system of tabs lets you jump back and forth between tasks without losing your place. You can also launch frequently used processes or reports here.

Customer Service Screen
The Citizen Profile provides a location where citizens can store their contact information so that it can be used in future transactions. they can also store their payment information here under bank-grade security. And they can elect to receive emergency or non-emergency notifications from their municipality.

Dashboard/Master Calendar
Diversified Billing’s Master Calendar is smart. It knows every task in your billing cycle and when it should be completed. It keeps staff on track by giving them real-time information about the status of every task in the billing cycle.

Utility Customer Portal
Here citizens can interact with one or multiple utility accounts. They can pay their bill using a debit or credit card or their bank account. Or they can set up autopay. They can see their billing and payment history in chart or graph form or download and print a copy of the most recent bill.

Process Overview
Diversified Billing users will utilize nine processes – from billing to late notices – to accomplish the most tasks in the billing cycle. This module provides and overview of how processes work.

Billing Process
In the Billing Process, the Master Calendar handles all setup tasks to avoid any opportunity for human error. Meter readings can be imported from virtually any metering system. Exception reports allow you to identify missed reads or questionable reads before bills are finalized. Re-reads can be requested from within Diversified Billing and new reads can be uploaded directly into the billing system. You can mail or email bills according to your customer’s preference.

Notice Process
Notices can be generated for any reason. It can be a late notice, a second notice, a shutoff notice or anything else. The text on notices can be anything you need or want it to be. Notices can be created to be printed on 8.5″ x 11″ paper or be mailed. Or they can be generated to be printed on 4.25″ x 11″ door hangers.

Pentaly/Interest Process
The diversified Billing System can be set up to charge penalties or interest or both, based on the criteria established by your organization. The process is set up by the Master Calendar. The system will generate a penalty register for you to review before applying penalties. You can also exempt specific customers from penalties or interest assessments if there are special circumstances.

Payment Receipts
The Diversified Billing Receipts Process allows you to accept cash or checks over the counter and generate a receipt. The system automatically handles over and under-payments. It also allows you to utilize a bar code scanner or check reader to speed processing paper checks. And you can import electronic files for quick processing of ACH payments and debit or credit card payments made in the Utility Customer Portal.

Diversified Billing includes 43 pre-configured reports across the full spectrum of utility activities. But that is just the start. Reports can be generated in detail or summary form. They can be limited by a date or customer number range. They can be filtered by up to nine different fields. And any report can be saved, printed, exported or emailed.