Take a Guided Tour of the Citizen Action Center
The municipal management portal empowers staff with control over Citizen Action Center modules, allowing them to manage bill payment options, forms, documents, citizen issues. It also includes downloading relevant data and facilitating managers to generate efficient reporting on module activities.
Municipality Management Portal
Municipal Management Portal
The municipal management portal gives municipal staff control over each module in the Citizen Action Center.
They can add, modify or delete bill payment options, forms and documents or citizen issues.
They can also download data generated by citizen activity.
Downloads include bill payment data, forms and documents data and issue status.
Managers can also generate reports on activity within each module.
Interactive Demo
Municipal Efficiencies
Process Payments in Seconds
Now citizen-facing departments can eliminate keystroking payments received as
paper checks or from bank payment systems. Eliminate the struggle to read
handwriting or to figure out where a payment should be applied. And eliminate
bank deposit runs.
With the Citizen Action Center, departments that receive citizen payments can
now receive a daily electronic file of all payments, and that file can be imported
directly into their payment processing system. With required fields, departments
receive all information needed to properly post each payment. And funds are
deposited directly into the account they specify within 24 hours.
Slash Time Required to Process Forms
Citizens can find, fill out and submit any form or document. Could be a building
permit application, voter registration or a picnic pavilion reservation. They can fill it
out online and submit it to the issuing department with no downloading, hand
writing or scanning. Every form or document is immediately submitted to the
correct department. And a copy is posted to the citizen’s account.
Efficiently Address Citizen Issues
The issues directory in the communication module is designed to quickly
connect citizens with the right staff member to address their issue and
eliminate unnecessary phone transfers and voice mail. Citizens are prompted to provide all the relevant information about their issues so staff members can quickly identify the proper course of action. With a messaging foundation, both sides of every conversation are saved for future reference. He said / She said disputes are eliminated and issues are tracked as open until the citizen indicates he or she is satisfied with the resolution.
Robust reporting allows managers to monitor the frequency with which specific issues arise and track how well individual employees satisfactorily address citizen issues.
Use Data on Households and Businesses
Municipalities can gain a wealth of information about households and businesses that can be used for multiple municipal purposes. Age, gender and special needs
information about every member of a household (including pets) is information emergency responders can utilize to account for all residents. And mailing and email addresses can be used by the parks department to reach out to all households with young children.
Citizens are also asked whether they own or rent the home they occupy. If they rent, they are asked to identify their landlord. That’s information that can be used to identify under-the-radar landlords for compliance or safety inspections. Businesses will also be asked to provide emergency contact information and record whether any hazardous materials are stored on-site so emergency
responders can better prepare for the dangers they will face.
Process Payments in Seconds
Now citizen-facing departments can eliminate keystroking payments received as
paper checks or from bank payment systems. Eliminate the struggle to read
handwriting or to figure out where a payment should be applied. And eliminate
bank deposit runs.
With the Citizen Action Center, departments that receive citizen payments can
now receive a daily electronic file of all payments, and that file can be imported
directly into their payment processing system. With required fields, departments
receive all information needed to properly post each payment. And funds are
deposited directly into the account they specify within 24 hours.
Slash Time Required to Process Forms
Now citizen-facing departments can eliminate keystroking payments received as
paper checks or from bank payment systems. Eliminate the struggle to read
handwriting or to figure out where a payment should be applied. And eliminate
bank deposit runs.
With the Citizen Action Center, departments that receive citizen payments can
now receive a daily electronic file of all payments, and that file can be imported
directly into their payment processing system. With required fields, departments
receive all information needed to properly post each payment. And funds are
deposited directly into the account they specify within 24 hours.
Efficiently Address Citizen Issues
The issues directory in the communication module is designed to quickly
connect citizens with the right staff member to address their issue and
eliminate unnecessary phone transfers and voice mail. Citizens are prompted to provide all the relevant information about their issues so staff members can quickly identify the proper course of action. With a messaging foundation, both sides of every conversation are saved for future reference. He said / She said disputes are eliminated and issues are tracked as open until the citizen indicates he or she is satisfied with the resolution.
Robust reporting allows managers to monitor the frequency with which specific issues arise and track how well individual employees satisfactorily address citizen issues.
Use Data on Households and Businesses
Municipalities can gain a wealth of information about households and businesses that can be used for multiple municipal purposes. Age, gender and special needs
information about every member of a household (including pets) is information emergency responders can utilize to account for all residents. And mailing and email addresses can be used by the parks department to reach out to all households with young children.
Citizens are also asked whether they own or rent the home they occupy. If they rent, they are asked to identify their landlord. That’s information that can be used to identify under-the-radar landlords for compliance or safety inspections. Businesses will also be asked to provide emergency contact information and record whether any hazardous materials are stored on-site so emergency
responders can better prepare for the dangers they will face.
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Play with the live software
If you are feeling adventurous, strike out on your own. Try out a fully functional version of the Citizen Action Center. You can login as a citizen to see how everything works from the perspective of your constituents. Then you can login as a municipality to see the economies and efficiencies in store for you and your staff.
Ready to See a Preliminary Proposal?
Get a preliminary proposal that includes pricing specifically for your municipality. You can share this with others to build a consensus around digital transformation of government in your community.
Ready to Learn More About Getting Started with the Citizen Action Center?
Learn exactly what will be required to implement each module in the Citizen Action Center and how Diversified Technology can help.